Born in 1983. After graduating in Photography and Cinema technique at Turin’s G.B. Bodoni institute in 2002 he worked for over 10 years as a television director.
In 2008 he began his journey on film and TV sets as assistant camera, DIT and cinematographer. Since then, he dedicates himself to the role of Cinematographer on national and international productions of feature films, shorts, commercials and digital advertising.
In 2015 he founded LMC Vision Srl, a production house and services company.
Since 2019 he has been a member of the Italian Society of Cinematographers AIC. In 2025 he transitioned to the Collettivo Chiaroscuro CCS.
Classe 1983, diplomato Perito Tecnico Industriale ad indirizzo Fotografia e Cinema ℅ l'istituto G.B. Bodoni di Torino anno 2002; lavora per 10 anni come Regista Realizzatore ℅ gruppo televisivo TeleLombardia, per la sede multi-canale di Torino.
Parallelamente nel 2008 inizia il percorso sui set cinematografici e di serialità televisive (aiuto operatore, assistente operatore, data manager) infine ricoprendo il ruolo di DIT Senior su produzioni ad alto budget, nazionali e internazionali.
Dal 2019 al 2024 è iscritto all’A.I.C. Imago (già Associazione Italiana Cineoperatori, ora Autori Italiani Cinema), si dedica al solo ruolo di D.O.P. (Direttore/Autore della Fotografia) su produzioni nazionali e internazionali, film di narrativa (lungometraggi e cortometraggi), film commerciali, digital e serie televisive ad alto profilo (RAI e SKY).
Con collaborazioni nazionali e internazionali, viaggiando in Europa, Australia, Cina, Sud Africa, Emirati Arabi, Qatar e USA.
Nel 2015 fonda la LMC Vision Srl, CDP e Service Tecnico.
Dal 2025 entra a far parte del Collettivo Chiaroscuro CCS.
Wether it’s a feature film, a short film or a documentary,
Alessandro Mattiolo is the best choice to shoot your story according to your vision, with the highest technical quality.
Born in Turin, the European capital of automotive, for Alessandro it was only natural to develop strong skills and extensive experience in the domain of automotive cinematography.
Updated, cutting-edge and meticulous, always searching for the best frame to enhance every type of commercial product.
The best way to discover new looks, tastes and currents is to dare and dream to do beautiful things. Music Videos (aka Videoclip) are a fundamental part of Alessandro's professional growth path. Regardless of budget size, the goal doesn’t change:
to give our best and have fun at the same time!
You can write me an email, send me a message on whatsapp
or follow me on Instagram!
Plenty of ways to contact me - Just do it!
Engaged in this sector for over 20 years, below you will find part of Mattiolo's journey. To understand and know how he got to this day, what choices and what paths and what Masters he met. Let's write the future together!
My creature, my weapon, my pride!