Alessandro Mattiolo Cinematographer
CCS Collettivo Chiaroscuro

Born in 1983. After graduating in Photography and Cinema technique at Turin’s G.B. Bodoni institute in 2002 he worked for over 10 years as a television director. 

In 2008 he began his journey on film and TV sets as assistant camera, DIT and cinematographer. Since then, he dedicates himself to the role of Cinematographer on national and international productions of feature films, shorts, commercials and digital advertising.

In 2015 he founded LMC Vision Srl, a production house and services company.
Since 2019 he has been a member of the Italian Society of Cinematographers AIC. In 2025 he transitioned to the Collettivo Chiaroscuro CCS.

Classe 1983, diplomato Perito Tecnico Industriale ad indirizzo Fotografia e Cinema ℅ l'istituto G.B. Bodoni di Torino anno 2002; lavora per 10 anni come Regista Realizzatore ℅ gruppo televisivo TeleLombardia, per la sede multi-canale di Torino.
Parallelamente nel 2008 inizia il percorso sui set cinematografici e di serialità televisive (aiuto operatore, assistente operatore, data manager) infine ricoprendo il ruolo di DIT Senior su produzioni ad alto budget, nazionali e internazionali. 
Dal 2019 al 2024 è iscritto all’A.I.C. Imago (già Associazione Italiana Cineoperatori, ora Autori Italiani Cinema), si dedica al solo ruolo di D.O.P. (Direttore/Autore della Fotografia) su produzioni nazionali e internazionali, film di narrativa (lungometraggi e cortometraggi), film commerciali, digital e serie televisive ad alto profilo (RAI e SKY).
Con collaborazioni nazionali e internazionali, viaggiando in Europa, Australia, Cina, Sud Africa, Emirati Arabi, Qatar e USA. 
Nel 2015 fonda la LMC Vision Srl, CDP e Service Tecnico.
Dal 2025 entra a far parte del Collettivo Chiaroscuro CCS.

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Reel 2024

Narrative Film

Wether it’s a feature film, a short film or a documentary,
Alessandro Mattiolo is the best choice to shoot your story according to your vision, with the highest technical quality.

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Reel 2023

Automotive Film

Born in Turin, the European capital of automotive, for Alessandro it was only natural to develop strong skills and extensive experience in the domain of automotive cinematography.

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Reel 2023

ADV Commercial Film

Updated, cutting-edge and meticulous, always searching for the best frame to enhance every type of commercial product.

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Reel 2024

Music Video

The best way to discover new looks, tastes and currents is to dare and dream to do beautiful things. Music Videos (aka Videoclip) are a fundamental part of Alessandro's professional growth path. Regardless of budget size, the goal doesn’t change:
to give our best and have fun at the same time!

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You can write me an email, send me a message on whatsapp
or follow me on Instagram!
Plenty of ways to contact me - Just do it!


Curriculum Vitae

Engaged in this sector for over 20 years, below you will find part of Mattiolo's journey. To understand and know how he got to this day, what choices and what paths and what Masters he met. Let's write the future together!


DP for Feature Film, Short Film and Fiction Narrative
  • “Al Termine della Notte” Directed by Stefano Moscone - Produced by NewGen Entertainment
  • “Rider” Directed by Roan Johnson - Produced by Dade Pavanello
  • “Showtime” Directed by Francesco Giardiello - Produced by NewGen Entertainment
  • "Dell'Altro Mondo" Directed and Produced by Delia Simonetti
  • “Variazioni Fantastiche su Eventi Realmente Accaduti a Torino nel 1911” Directed by Giulio Maria Cavallini - Produced by Epica Film
DP for Documentary and TV Show
  • “Vite - Pistoletto” - Directed by G. De Bellis - Produced by SKY Italia and SKYTG24
  • “Lady Antibalistic Vest - Parnisani” - Directed by Fabian Pop - Produced by Craftlab Studio (UK)
  • “Vite - Benetton” - Directed by G. De Bellis - Produced by SKY Italia and SKYTG24
  • “Sky Buffa Talks” - Directed by Leo Muti - Produced by SKY Original Italia. 10 episodes
  • "Buffa racconta Menarini" - Directed by Leo Muti - Produced by LMC Vision
  • "Natuzzi" - Directed by Enrico Poli - Produced by LMC Vision
  • "Il caso Padovano"  - Directed by  Andrea Parini & Massimo Bomprezzi - Produced by SKY Italia. SKYTG24 + SKYSport
DP for Music Video
  • "Sa di Plastica" Directed by Mattia Capone - Produced by Knowhere Studios
  • "Scoppia la Bolla" - Directed by Ivan Cazzola - Produced by Sony Music Italy and LoSai
DP for TVC Commercial AD
  • "Torino Compra Vicino" Directed by Giorgio Blanco - Produced by LMC Vision
  • "Nuova Lancia Y" Directed by Simone De Marco - Produced by Frame Communication
  • "AMP Aeroport Marseille Provence" - Directed by Leonardo Dalessandri - Produced by Adesias (FR)
  • "Open Fiber - Super Safers" Directed by Sara Tamburro - Produced by eMentor
  • "Prima Power" - Directed by Alessandro Cocito - Produced by ARS Media
  • "Dimsport - The Genius" Directed by Mikael Masoero - Produced by Dabun Films
  • "Mi Piace Così - Ricciarelli & Signorini" Directed by Éric Bombourg - Produced by Is It Yours (FR)
  • "MyLi25 - Ligier" Directed by Francesco Buonagiunto & Matteo Galfrè - Produced by Simpol Agency
  • "ENI - Against&Together Cortina2026" Directed by Andrea Casadio - Produced by Arret Film
  • "Sanità Regione Lombardia" Directed by Claudio Di Biagio - Produced by Arret Film
  • "Mopar - Alfa Junior" - Directed by Gabriele Merlin - Produced by Creo Studio
  • "Xerjoff - The Mysterious Nightlife of Louis XV" Directed by Giorgio Blanco - Produced by LMC Vision


DP for Feature Film, Short Film and Fiction Narrative
  • “Tinginys” teaser Directed by Maxì Dejoie - Prod. Albolina Film Srl
  • “Erant” short Directed by Enrico Granzotto - Prod. Les Irreguliers Srl - Film Commision Vallee D’Aoste
  • “I Nostri Sogni” short Directed by Riccardo Denaro - Prod. Elive and RAI Cinema
  • “Archai” Directed by Eugenio Villani. Prod. Haserlwurm Srl
DP for Documentary and TV Show
  • "Ljubo, l'uomo salvato dal tennis” Ivan Ljubicic Directed by Giuseppe Marzo - Prod. SKY Original Italia
  • “Oblò” - Directed by Davide Fus - Prod. Holden Studios and RAI
  • “Intrinsic Comau” - Directed by Enrico Poli - Prod. ATP - Google USA
  • “Sky Buffa Talks” - Directed by Leo Muti - Prod. SKY Original Italia. 8 episodes
DP for Music Video
  • “Pugno Di Sabbia - Subsonica” Directed by Ivan Cazzola - Prod. Sony Music Italy and LoSai Srl
  • “Center of Turin - Mr. Hooper” Directed by Sara Tamburro
DP for TVC Commercial ADV
  • “Formento” Directed by Sara Tamburro - Agency Emerald
  • “My Li Ligier” Directed by Francesco Buonagiunto - Prod. Simpol The Reactive Agency - Client Ligier Group France
  • “Lego Spazio” Directed by Sara Tamburro - Agency Compact Srl - Client LEGO Italia


DP for Feature Film, Short Film and Fiction Narrative
  • “Livandro” short Directed by Mattia Capone and Alessandro Garelli - Prod. LMC Vision Srl
  • “Pentaclub” short Directed by Roberto Strazzarino – Prod. Epica Film Srl
  • “Cento Cuori” Directed by Paolo Damosso – Prod. Fogo Multimedia
DP for Documentary and TV Show
  • “Falene” – Directed by Ivan Cazzola - Prod. Comodo64 and LMC Vision Srl
  • “Speciale Luna Rossa America’s Cap” Directed by G.Marzo and Guido Meda - Prod. SKY Sport Italia
  • “Io, Fabio, la vita di Fabio Fognini” Directed by G.Marzo – Prod. TIM Vision
  • “Sky BigMatch” 4K High Resolution Super Slow-Motion - Prod. SKY Original Italia
DP for Music Video
  • “Occhiali da sole - Samuel” Directed by Ivan Cazzola - Prod. Sony Music Italy


DP for Music Video
  • “Elettronica - Samuel” Directed by Ivan Cazzola - Prod. Sony Music Italy
  • “Non vedo l’ora di abbracciarti - Eugenio in Via Di Gioia” Directed by Giorgio Blanco - Prod. Sony Music Italy
DP for TVC Commercial ADV
  • “The gift of time” Directed by W.Zanardi - Prod. Sedici9 for Ferretti Group
  • “Giordani Gioielli” Directed by G.Cravero - Prod. Blu2Zero Srl
  • “Timberland 515” Directed by I.Cazzola Prod. Timberland
  • Lego Ferrari GT Maranello” Directed by M.Mihakawa - Prod. Compact Spa for LEGO International


DP for Feature Film, Short Film and Fiction Narrative
  • “Ama chi ti ama, fosse pure un cane” short directed by Giovanni Scarpa - Prod. LMC Vision Snc
  • “J-Loop” Directed by Andrea Zamburlin - Prod. A9 Film Srl
  • “L’Uomo che Non Voleva Uscire di Casa” Directed by Savino Genovese - Prod. Compagnia GenoveseBeltramo - Associazione Culturale
DP for Documentary and TV Show
  • “Sky Buffa - Speciale PELE” Directed by Leo Muti - Prod. SKY Original Italia and SKY Sport. 3 episodes
  • “Federico Buffa racconta Gigi Riva” Directed by L.Muti – Prod. SKY Sport Italia and SKY Arte. 2 episodes


DP for Feature Film, Short Film and Fiction Narrative
  • “Megan”aka “The Secluded Lodge” Directed by S.Nacucchi - Distribution Apple TV
  • “Hunters” teaser directed by Fabrizio Portalupi - Prod. Cinefonie Srl
  • “The Smiling – La Serie” Directed by F.Ferraiuolo - Prod. Ferrafilm Srl. 2 Season, 12 episodes
  • “Terzo Indizio” Directed by F.Portalupi – Prod. Cinefonie and MEDIASET. 4 episodes
  • “Relicius” Directed by Eugenio Villani - Prod. Haselwurm
DP for TVC Commercial ADV
  • “AMEN” Directed by F.Ferraiuolo - Prod. Ferrafilm Srl
  • “QUIKO” Directed by W.Zanardi - Prod. Sedici9
  • “Medical Diasorin” Directed by A.Regaldo - Prod. Grey Ladder Srl
  • “Ferragamo” Directed by W.Zanardi - Prod. Sedici9 Srl
  • “Filomaestro” Directed by W.Zanardi - Prod. Sedici9 Srl
  • “Expedia” Directed by Leonardo Dalessandri - Prod. GoldenGrape Los Angeles
  • “Samsung” Directed by Leonardo Dalessandri - Prod. Moonlight Cape Town
  • “Forst Beer” Directed by Simone Arena - Prod. Simpol Lab
  • “Ligier Automotive – Campagna Ita/Spa/Fra” Directed by Giuseppe Garau - Prod. Simpol Lab
  • “Hertz Auto Noleggi” - Prod. Holden
DP for Music Video
  • “Magnifico Difetto - Benji&Fede” Directed by William Zanardi - Prod. Warner Italia
  • “Si salvi chi può - Elasi” Directed by Ivan Cazzola - Prod. Sugar Music
  • “Forse - MaryG” Directed by Vittorio Anelli
  • “Mandela - Vicario” Directed by Ivan Cazzola - Prod. INRI

2018 to 2013

DIT for TVC Commercial ADV
  • “Nike CR7 summer/spring 2019”
  • “Subway South-America” - Prod. 4Studios Torino
  • “Maserati” - Prod. Fargo Film Srl
  • “Rovazzi FCA” - Prod. Fargo Film - DP S.Dominici
  • “Chiambretti FCA” - Prod. Fargo Film
  • “Kia Rio” - Prod. Dreamset 
  • “Fashination FCA” - Prod. Four Studio Communication
  • “Stralis XP” - DP L.Federici - Prod. Frame Communication
  • “Allianz”
  • “Iveco, CNH, FCA”
  • “Reale Mutua”
  • “BMW China”
  • “Mopar”
  • “Juventus FC”
  • “Sky Arts Opera” - Prod. MediaMaxFilms LTD and Sky UK - DP T.Green
  • “Fiat Chiambretti” - Prod. Fargo - DP F.Lucci
  • “Che Banca” - DP M.Pellion
  • “Poste Mobile”
  • “Range Rover” - Prod. Orlando Film - Directed by V.Squibb - DP B.Delbonnel
  • “Gatorade Chile” - Directed by M.Cruz - DP Mirko Zlatar

2017 to 2011

DP for Feature Film, Short Film and Fiction Narrative
  • “Blood Bags” - Horror movie by Emiliano Ranzani - Prod. Grey Ladder Production Srl
  • “CRAS” short directed by Maurizio Squillari short - Prod. Grey Ladder
  • “Fatta Male” short directed by L.Bossi - Prod. Compagnia GenoveseBeltramo
  • Hybris” Directed by T.Yamanouchi - Prod. Greyladder SRL
  • “The Key and The Answer” directed by S.Nacucchi
  • “The Special Reason ” - Directed by Shen PingAn – AiQiYI Beijing
DIT for Feature Film, Fiction Narrative
  • “Nessuno Come Noi” second unit - Prod. Italian Internation Film - DP R.Forza
  • A Casa Tutti Bene” – Prod. Lotus – Directed by G.Muccino - DP S.Hurlbut
  • “Non Uccidere” second season - RAI, RAI Cinema and Fremantle Media Prod. - Directed by L.Sportiello - DP R.Topazio
  • “Sadie” - Prod. Fargo Film and 9.99Film – Italian/Canadian film. DP D.Ungaro
  • “Non Uccidere” fisrt season - RAI, RAI Cinema and Fremantle Media Prod. - Directed by G.Gagliardi and L.Sportiello – DPs F.Paredes and R.Topazio
  • “Andiamo a quel Paese” - Tramp LTD Produzioni – Directed by Ficarra&Picone - DP R.Forza
  • “Patria” - Ninafilm Prod. - Directed by Felice Farina - DP Roberto Cimatti
  • “Madeleine” - Directed by Mario Garofalo and Lorenzo Ceva Valla - Associazione Victor Prod. - DP F. Torres
  • “Ligier Automotive – Campagna Ita/Spa/Fra” Directed by Giuseppe Garau - Prod. Simpol Lab
  • “La Torres 1903” - Directed by Giuseppe Garau - DP F. Torres
  • “Mirafiori Lunapark” - Alien Film Prod. - Directed by Stefano Di Polito - DP Paolo Ferrari
  • “Yuri Esposito” - Meibi Prod. - Directed by Alessio Fava – DP Alessandro Dominici AIC
  • “Passion Verdi” - Agat Film Prod. - Directed by Michel Follin - DP Raphaël O’Byrne
  • "Love Is - Love Bugs 2013 Season" - Directed by G.McKinlay - "Ruby Snow Films" and "Onion Media Productions" Sydney
  • “ZooSchool” directed by A.Tomasselli - Prod Indyca Film
  • “The Gerber Syndrome” feature film directed by M.Dejoie - Prod. Indastria Film

2015 to 2013

Freelance Videographer and Camera Operator for TV Show. Italian Broadcaster (SKY, RAI, La7 and Mediaset)


Sabbatical australian year

2011 to 2002

TV Director, ENG/EFP Operator & Video Editor, Technical Manager @ “Videogruppo Televisione Spa” Turin and “Telelombardia Srl” Milan


ENG Camera Assistant, “CST Consorzio Servizi Televisivi” & “RAI – RadioTelevisione Italiana” - with Sony Betacam


Graduation at High School “G.B.Bodoni” Industrial Expert Photo-Cinema, Turin, Italy



LMC Vision Srl

My creature, my weapon, my pride!